**Totally ad-free. No in-app purchases. Completely free for all users. **
Inspirational Short Stories is a popular short story app, with a collection of 1000+ inspirational short stories.
It's for every one, which you can enjoy short stories while travelling, in short breaks and in free time.
If you always wonder what to do in those 5-minute wait breaks, now you have the answer. Thought provoking short stories that will inspire you, enable better visualization and will allow you to explore hidden corners of your brain.
This is also perfect you want to develop reading habit (there cannot be a better start than with inspirational short stories), but at the same time it's for everyone from intense to casual readers.
Key features:
# Collection of 1000+ stories spread across multiple volumes.
# Share your favorite short story with your friends/family, through social media/text/whatsapp/email etc.
# Listen to the short stories with one click play button.
# Three different reading themes to suit your eyes, along with choice of font (and text size).
# Keeps track of read and unread stories, and sort accordingly.
# Submit a short story and it will be published in the next release.
# Contact developer directly from internal menu, for suggestions, feature requests, complaints, or even just say Hi!
This inspirational short stories app is under active development, so please if you like or don't like anything, let us know before you give us a bad review. We promise we will get back to you at the earliest.
If you have a feature to request or a bug to report ,please drop a mail at sanjay.verma.nitk@gmail.com. Also you can send inspirational short stories on this mail and we'll publish them in next release along with your name.
We respond to every email.
Thank you for trying out this beautiful short stories app. This app is free, and always will be.
Thank you :)
** Benar-benar bebas iklan. Tidak ada di-app pembelian. Benar-benar gratis untuk semua pengguna. **
Cerita Pendek Inspirational adalah aplikasi populer cerita pendek, dengan koleksi 1000 + cerita pendek inspirasional.
Ini untuk setiap satu, yang dapat Anda nikmati cerita pendek saat bepergian, di istirahat pendek dan di waktu luang.
Jika Anda selalu bertanya-tanya apa yang harus dilakukan dalam 5 menit menunggu istirahat, sekarang Anda memiliki jawabannya. Merangsang pemikiran cerita pendek yang akan menginspirasi Anda, memungkinkan visualisasi yang lebih baik dan akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menjelajahi sudut-sudut tersembunyi dari otak Anda.
Ini juga sempurna Anda ingin mengembangkan kebiasaan membaca (ada tidak bisa menjadi awal yang baik daripada dengan cerita pendek inspirasional), tetapi pada saat yang sama itu untuk semua orang dari intens untuk pembaca kasual.
Fitur utama:
# Koleksi 1000 + cerita tersebar di beberapa volume.
# Bagi cerita pendek favorit Anda dengan Anda teman-teman / keluarga, melalui media sosial / text / whatsapp / email dll
# Dengarkan cerita pendek dengan tombol putar satu kali klik.
# Tiga tema membaca yang berbeda sesuai dengan mata Anda, bersama dengan pilihan font (dan ukuran teks).
# Menyimpan melacak membaca dan belum dibaca cerita, dan semacam sesuai.
# Kirim cerita pendek dan akan diterbitkan dalam rilis berikutnya.
# Hubungi pengembang langsung dari menu internal, saran, permintaan fitur, keluhan, atau bahkan hanya mengatakan Hi!
inspirasi cerita pendek aplikasi ini masih aktif dikembangkan, jadi silakan jika Anda suka atau tidak suka apa-apa, beritahu kami sebelum Anda memberikan review buruk. Kami berjanji kami akan kembali kepada Anda di awal.
Jika Anda memiliki fitur untuk meminta atau bug untuk melaporkan, silakan drop email di sanjay.verma.nitk@gmail.com. Anda juga dapat mengirim cerita pendek inspirasional pada email ini dan kami akan mempublikasikannya dalam rilis berikutnya bersama dengan nama Anda.
Kami menanggapi setiap email.
Terima kasih untuk mencoba indah aplikasi cerita pendek ini. Aplikasi ini gratis, dan akan selalu.
Terima kasih :)
**Totally ad-free. No in-app purchases. Completely free for all users. **
Inspirational Short Stories is a popular short story app, with a collection of 1000+ inspirational short stories.
It's for every one, which you can enjoy short stories while travelling, in short breaks and in free time.
If you always wonder what to do in those 5-minute wait breaks, now you have the answer. Thought provoking short stories that will inspire you, enable better visualization and will allow you to explore hidden corners of your brain.
This is also perfect you want to develop reading habit (there cannot be a better start than with inspirational short stories), but at the same time it's for everyone from intense to casual readers.
Key features:
# Collection of 1000+ stories spread across multiple volumes.
# Share your favorite short story with your friends/family, through social media/text/whatsapp/email etc.
# Listen to the short stories with one click play button.
# Three different reading themes to suit your eyes, along with choice of font (and text size).
# Keeps track of read and unread stories, and sort accordingly.
# Submit a short story and it will be published in the next release.
# Contact developer directly from internal menu, for suggestions, feature requests, complaints, or even just say Hi!
This inspirational short stories app is under active development, so please if you like or don't like anything, let us know before you give us a bad review. We promise we will get back to you at the earliest.
If you have a feature to request or a bug to report ,please drop a mail at sanjay.verma.nitk@gmail.com. Also you can send inspirational short stories on this mail and we'll publish them in next release along with your name.
We respond to every email.
Thank you for trying out this beautiful short stories app. This app is free, and always will be.
Thank you :)